Scaling innovations in AT
A session organised by the ZeroProject and GAATO
Scaling innovations has become a buzz word recently, but very few startups and innovators are able to master this important step. In this session, we want to highlight what necessary requirements need to be obeyed, and we will present other crucial factors for success. One common trap is certainly a single focus on technology which ignores the rule of market economics. Therefore, a sound business plan has become an indispensable requirement. Successful innovators will tell their story and elaborate on key factors to reach customers and be commercially effective.
Moreover, the Zero Project will share some of its findings from their past and present research on technologies which benefit persons with disabilities.
The session is supported by GAATO who collaborates with the ZeroProject in scaling up innovations. The session will be an opportunity as well to present the ZeroProject/GAATO Sector report on Assistive Technologies.
Chairs: Wilfried Kainz (ZeroProject) and Luc de Witte (GAATO)
Innovators: Sara Comai (Politecnico Milano), Elodie Draperie (GiveVision) and Ibrahim Cherradi (Keynoa)
Senior AT experts: Renzo Andrich (EASTIN), Gregg Vanderheiden (Raising the Floor International), Chapal Khasnabis (Senior Assistive Technology Advisor, Asian Development Bank)