Digital skills development to support independent living – the Hands on SHAFE experience


Damon Berry and Fatima Badmos, TU Dublin/ADAPT Research Centre


20 years ago the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) raised digital literacy related to desktop computing in many participating countries. ECDL focused on ICT skills needed for work. Today, digital literacy is not just important for work. It is an increasingly important life skill. The lack of digital skills can contribute to the digital divide. In the ERASMUS+ funded Hands-on SHAFE project, we have developed a set of learning resources for living independently in six European languages.
This one hour education session will outline the experience of researchers from TU Dublin who developed the Hands-on SHAFE web-based learning resource for raising digital literacy to support independent living.
Our content has a particular focus on mobile technology, wearables and smart home technology. The presenter will provide an overview of the developed resources.
In the second half of the session, the participants will be enabled to suggest topics that should be included.
The workshop output will contribute towards development of an outline syllabus for digital literacy learning content for independent living.

Expected learning outcomes