Template for Oral Only contributions

This is the template for Extended abstract of Oral only contributions, for preparing the Book of Abstract.


The main font for the document is Latin Modern Sans. This is an open source font.

  • We provide a minimal zip file with only the variants needed for the template, that can be downloaded here : latin-modern-sans-10.zip.
    • On Windows it is very easy to install (unzip the file, right click on each of the 4 font files and select “install” – you probably need to reboot windows, as usual ;-).
  • On Linux machines, it is in the standard distribution of LaTeX. If you don’t have it installed, you can install the package font-lmodern, for debian users :`apt-get install font-lmodern
  • Latin Modern is available in Overleaf.

Windows users who wish not to install a new font may use Arial instead (both templates are provided below).

LaTeX template

DOCX templates

This template was tested on Windows with Word. It should work also on Mac OS versions of Word but I don’t have the possibility to test it.

ODT templates

ODT (Open Document Text) is an open source format which is natively supported by LibreOffice, OpenOffice and some other word processing software.

More information about Latin Modern

The font file I provide above contains only the necessary variants for this template, the whole Latin Modern project can be downloaded at: